
حكم و أمثال انجليزية مترجمة 10

القناعة تقيم في الأكواخ اكثر من القصور

Content lodges oftener in cottages than palaces

النوم باكراّ والنهوض باكراّ يكسبان المرء صحة وثراء وحكمة

Early to bed and early to rise makes a man

healthy, wealthy, and wise

يموت الجبناء عدة مرات قبل موتهم

Cowards die many times before their death

الإحسان يبدأ بالأهل

Charity begins ** home

ستعلّمك الأيام -أو الوقت- ما كنت تجهله

Time will soon teach you what you were ignorant of

الأفعال أعلى صوتا من الأقوال

Actions speak louder than words

الغبي لا يسامح ولا ينسى, والساذج يسامح وينسى, اما الحكيم فإنه يسامح ولكنه لا ينسى

The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget." -

التعليم الممتاز هو افضل استثمار لمستقبلك

Quality education is the best investment for your future

للأمانه الموضوع منقول

ودمتم جميعا بخير

The absent party is not faulty>>>>الغايب عذره معه

Actions speak louder than words>>>>العبرة بالأعمال وليست بالأقوال

Add fuel to the fire>>>>يزيد الطين بلة

Address people in the language they can understand>>>>خاطب الناس على قدر عقولهم

Advice is ever in want>>>>لا خاب من استشار

After black clouds, clear weather>>>>كل شدة وتهون،الصبر مفتاح الفرج

Always has been, always will be>>>>من شبّ على شيء شاب عليه

After great effort, he explained that water is water>>>>وفسّر الماء بعد الجهد بالماء

Birds of feather flock together>>>>الطيور على أشكالها تقع

A chip of the old block>>>>هذا الشبل من ذاك الأسد

Charity begins at home>>>>الأقربون أولى بالمعروف

Do as you would be done>>>>عامل الناس كا تحب أن يعاملوك

Cut your coat according to your cloth>>>> على قدر لحافك مد رجليك، رحم الله إمرءاً عرف قدر نفسه

Conciliation is the matter of the law>>>>الصلح سيد الأحكام

A creaking gate hangs long>>>>الباب ذو الصرير يعيش طويلاً

Do good and cast it into the sea>>>>اعمل خير والقه في البحر

Easy come, easy go>>>>ما يأتي بسهولة يذهب بسهولة،ما لا تجلبه الرياح تأخذه الزوابع

The end justifies the means>>>>الغاية تبرر الوسيلة

Every tide has its ebb>>>>لكل جواد كبوة

It is the end that counts>>>>إنما العبرة بالنهاية

To err is human>>>> كل ابن آدم خطاّء

Every cloud has a silver lining>>>>رب ضرة نافعة

Don’t put your head in the lions mouth>>>>لا تلقوا بأيديكم إلى التهلكة

A friend in need is a friend indeed>>>>الصديق وقت الضيق

A flash in the pan>>>>رمية من غير رامي

No gains without pains>>>>لا نتيجة بدون ألم،لا حلاوة بدون نار

Take time to think:
it is the source of power.

Take time to read:
it is the foundation of wisdom.

Take time to play:
it is the secret of staying young .

Take time to be quiet:
it is the opportunity to seek god.

Take time to be aware:
it is the opportunity to help others.

Take time to love and be loved:
it is god's greatest gift.

Take time to laugh:
it is the music of the soul.

Take time to be friendly:
it is the road to happiness .

Take time to dream:
it is what the future is made of .

Take time to pray:
it is the greatest power on earth.

Don't find love, let love find you. That's why it's called falling in love because you don't force yourself to fall, you just fall."
"Once you accept someone for who and what they really are, they will really surprise you by being better than you ever expected."

"Know love, know happiness. No love, no happiness."

"I love you not because I need you, But I need you because I love you."

"Love is loving/ accepting a person with all his/her strength and weaknesses.

"Never love a love that hurts, never hurt a love that loves."

"Love is not for the one you love, it is for the one who makes you feel special, with whom you laugh, cry, share, with whom you are yourself, who makes a difference to your life, makes you"

"Lucky is the man who is the first love of a woman but luckier is the woman who is the last love of a man."

"Pain is to know that someone whom you love, is in love with someone else."

"You came from no where, and in no time got close.., not to me, but to my heart."

"Love is not something that happens on first sight, it happens when you start knowing each other and in turn end up needing each other, for every feeling, for every thought and for every moment."

"When two friends fall in love they learn they are meant for each other. When they fall out of love they realize they want to keep each other forever."

"I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me. I love you for the part of me that you bring out."

"Love is seeing yourself in someone's eyes and finding yourself in somebody's heart."

"Once you have loved, you will always love. For what's in your mind may escape but what's in your heart will remain forever."

"All my life I was afraid that I would never find love....
and now that I've found it, I'm afraid that I will lose it."

"Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer."

"If I am given a chance to change one thing in this world,
I will change the order of alphabets and place U and I together."

"No man/woman is worth your tears and
the only one who is, will never make you cry. "

"If a hug represented how much I loved you,
I would hold you in my arms forever."